Who we are

KALLPA is a wellness platform built to achieve real results and reconnect you with your body. We believe health is the foundation of life and are here to help you optimize it through movement, recovery, nutrition, and community.

Kallpa is a word from ancient Inca civilization, used to describe the inner life force, energy, and strength that is within all living things. The Inca people used this word to describe that “thing” that connects us as humans to the rest of the universe. It is the force that keeps us alive, and ever evolving. It’s the vibrant energy that is described to be the strength of life itself. 


DRIVEN BY Our mission to block out thE noise of the health fads that we are flooded with on the daily BY taking out the confusion AND providING A proven framework to help you reconnect with your body and achieve long lasting results.

LEAD BY OUR VISION to create a world where health and fitness are ACCESIBLE TO EVERYONE.

We believe EVERYONE is ENTITLED to good HEALTH and resources that allow them to reach their inFINITE POTENTIAL. 


Hi! My name is Natalie Nuñez, the founder of Kallpa Wellness. Health and fitness have always been an integral part of my life. I grew up heavily involved in sports and spent a lot of time cooking delicious Peruvian meals with my grandma. However, as I entered my highschool years, I fell into the trap of diet fads and completely lost touch with my sense of self, my body, and my surroundings. I ended up losing and gaining massive amounts of weight in very short spans of time. The only thing that was somewhat consistent in my wellness regime was basketball. But going into college, that stability of my highschool sport was gone and I no longer had a consistent form of movement or community I could rely on.

I tried to stay consistent by going to the gym and running everyday and doing a series of random workouts I found on TikTok. I thought I was eating fairly healthy by eating salads from the university dining hall everyday, but I kept gaining body fat. It turns out, I was completely out of touch with my body. Because my circadian rhythm and hormones were so off, my nervous system was living in a constant state of fight or flight and holding on to fat for survival. When I tell you I tried everything to lose weight and feel like myself again, I mean I tried EVERYTHING. From HIIT workouts, low cortisol living, powerlifting, incline walking, pilates, keto, paleo, caloric restriction, veganism, carnivore diet, I tried it ALL and went all in on each one. I found that no one diet, exercise regime, or lifestyle really worked for me; but, I found success through finding balance and reconnecting with the basics. I documented how different movement styles, foods, amounts of sleep made me feel and through that created a structured program that allowed me to thrive.

After becoming a trainer and working with so many amazing women, I realized nearly all of them were experiencing something similar and living completely disconnected from their body. I came to see that this was because we are living in a system that profits off of our illness, insecurities, and confusion. The healthcare industry profits off of us being sick, the food industry profits off of our addiction to their hyper-palatable ultra processed foods, and the fitness industry profits off of our physical insecurities. They have no incentive keep us healthy, fit, strong, or intune with our bodies. Since experiencing this frustrating cycle within my self and seeing so many of my clients deal with the same confusion, it became my mission to demystify fitness and true wellness and make real results not only attainable but simple for everyone regardless of socioeconomic status, race, religion, ethnicity, etc. That is why I created Kallpa, to help you block out the noise of the healthcare, food and fitness industries and reach your health and physique goals in a way that you can sustain throughout the entirety of your life.

All my love,